Mondi flexible packaging leaps ahead in the recycling game


Mondi and Werner & MertzMondi Flexible Packaging leaps ahead in the recycling game as news emerged that Mondi and Werner & Mertz are launching a ‘fully’ recyclable pouch with detachable decorative panels.

The pouch replaces conventional flexible packaging for Frosch products.

Founded in Germany in 1986, Frosch makes high performance, all natural cleaning products so that Mondi flexible packaging have a sustainable and recyclable packaging solution is a great win for all Werner & Mertz brand including Frosch.

The design overcomes many shortcomings of the packaging recycling process and is the result of a joint effort by Werner & Mertz, Mondi, EPEA Switzerland (Cradle to Cradle), Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland and Institut cyclos-HTP.

Failure to sort the collected packaging into material streams that recyclers can use leads to down-cycling – that is, the production of recycled material no longer suitable for its original application.

“If you want to avoid a ‘garbage in, garbage out’ scenario,” said Immo Sander, head of packaging development, Werner & Mertz Group, “the entire value chain must be aligned – from packaging producers through players in sorting and recycling to buyers of recycled material.

“We dress the pouch up in an eye-catching ‘outer garment’ that is printed with brand design on the front and consumer info on the back. When the pouch is empty, we ‘undress’ it automatically by shredding and sorting the two components into separate recycling streams.”

Mondi Flexible Packaging said the patented pouch is 100% recyclable, the material is free of glue or adhesive, the spout and cap are also made of polyethylene.

Mondi is an international packaging and paper group employing some 25,000 people across the globe in more than 30 countries.

This patented Frosch products pouch is now 100-percent recyclable and the material is also free of glue or adhesive. In addition the pouch pouring spouts and caps are made of polyethylene – which means the recycled material will be equivalent in quality to the original material it replaces with no loss of confidence by the end using consumer.